
Friday, 20 March 2015

ASB POLYFEST highlights

My highlights from the Polyfest.
Highlight 1 - I was excited to go to the polyfest to learn about different cultures and languages.
Highlight 2 was when I went to the different cultures to see what they were making.

Highlight 3 I seen the rock climbing it was so cool and I want to go next year.

ASB POLYFEST highlights

highlights 1 Team 5 is going to the polyfest we are learn about differ culture and highlights 2 young people love to proud with differ culture and learn to differ language and dance’s highlights 3 then the  young people love differ language.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Tomorrow Team 5 is going to the polyfest
we are learn about different culture and young people love to proud with different culture
and learn to differ language and dance’s

then the  young people love different language. Kia Ora, talofa lava, malo e lelei, faakalofa lahi atu, kia orana, bula vinaka, namaste and greetings!!  It’s Pasifika week in Aotearoa, this means it’s a week long celebration of all things Pacific.  This includes the birthday dance we had with Mrs Tele’a!  Part of the celebration is the Polyfest!  This Thursday we are planning to travel to Manukau to take part in some workshops and then visit stages.  The two stages we will be visiting will be the Maori and Diversity stages.  Did you knticow that this event - the Polyfest celebrates 40 years since it’s beginning?  Awesome isn’t it! 

People go to Polyfest because the like to watch people preforming.

1.audition -show their talents and moves.
2. practice - you need to go to all the pracces.
3. fitness - you need to stay fit and healthy4. make costumes.
5. fundraise.
6. concert - to get feedback.
7. transport-bus to polyfest- need money.
8. get dressed- oil make-up-paint constumes, props.
9. perform.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Aidan (Name) Recount WRITING test 24/02/15

to go to the baech
to have a simmg with my family because to have some fun with my family because   I love my family  and like to have with them  and sotp my family.  Make mum palrd me and play with my bothe because  I like to play with them because it is cool to play with them it is more bear than not fik and to. Play with my old fidaed and to pesa my family and play my uocae dane and most ran around and play like my coesns and pasted some mallea on my mum’dad and aest and uodaes.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

By Aidan Be nacs

By Aidan

Be nice to your friends because if you are nice your friends then they will be nices back to you do not sreern it your friends because that will make a frat with your best friend not  fiat with your best friends do be nicing to your friends.

It make then sad then you find sorry for them nac ere make your be sad.

Horse Riding

Last Wednesday I went to horse riding
and it was fun because the horse
and us played a game. The game
was put a beanie on your head and don’t let it fall off. It is a little bit hard but it did not fall off my head. I enjoyed myself.

By Aidan

Go to riding

When I went to horse riding we walked  the horse round and then to a step to climb on the horse. Before I get on I pat the horse. We ride around the arena lots of times. I like riding because it feels good being up high.

My holiday

In the holidays I went to my cousin’s house
to play with my dog.I had not seen
my dog for a long time.My dog lives at my cousin’s house because we are not allowed dogs at my house.

We took my dog to the park and we played around with him. My dog’s name is flash.